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Shinzo Abe’s Legacy

Time and Location

July 6, 6am EDT (7pm JST)


Dr. Tomohiko Taniguchi will emphasize the significant role played by the late Prime Minister Abe Shinzo in enhancing Japan’s power across various domains such as the economy, diplomacy, and national security. He will delve into the reasons behind Abe’s numerous meetings with Vladimir Putin and explore the factors that led Japan, under Abe’s leadership, to forge closer ties with Israel. These are some of the questions that Dr. Taniguchi will address.

The event will be recorded and published in YCAPS’ web archive. Questions are encouraged during the live event.



Dr. Tomohiko Taniguchi worked as the primary foreign policy speech writer for the late Prime Minister Abe Shinzo. He collaborated with Mr. Abe in drafting the speech Confluence of the Two Seas, which the late PM delivered to the Indian Parliament in August 2007. Whether in an official or private capacity, he worked with Mr. Abe for a total of 15 years. His latest book, Prime Minister Abe’s Speeches [in Japanese], reflects on how Mr. Abe utilized speech occasions to advance the nation’s agendas, including Abenomics, QUAD, and the FOIP concept. Dr. Taniguchi has held the position of Specially Appointed Professor at the University of Tsukuba since April 1, 2023. Prior to that, he was a Professor at Keio University while working alongside Mr. Abe and his close aides at the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Visit Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS) website for more information.

This event is supported through the Japan Foundation New York’s Salary Assistance Grant for U.S.-Japan Community Grassroots Exchange Program.

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