Explore our online contents including Pop Culture webinar series, STAGE BEYOND BORDERS and more!
Pop Culture webinar series
JFNY’s Pop Culture webinar series delves into Japanese pop culture from academic and professional perspectives.
JFNY Literary Series
JFNY Literary Series invites notable writers in Japanese literature and their translators to discuss their work and the art of translation.
DOORS to Arts of JAPAN
Portal site to videos introducing Japanese Art and Culture, available dubbed in or subtitled in several languages.
STAGE BEYOND BORDERS-Selection of Japanese Performances
JF presents outstanding Japanese stage performances with multilingual subtitles on the Youtube.
Joy of Yoroi
Learn about how to wear yoroi/Japanese armor and fun facts about the sets that you can borrow from JFNY!
Mottainai: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Series
Join us as we delve into the spirit and concept of the “mottainai” – getting the most value out of everything – and discuss the inspiration we can take away for today’s global community.
JOI 20th Anniversary Donation Project
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the JOI Program, the Japan Foundation donated the Japanese cultural items to the former JOI host sites and they shared the fun videos using the Japanese cultural items.
Illuminating Japanese Studies
In Illuminating Japanese Studies, JF Fellowship alumni give presentations about their expertise within Japanese Studies.
Why Study Japan?
Why Study Japan? features interviews with Former JF Fellowship Recipients.
Alone Together – Reimagining International Exchange in post-COVID Japan
The alumni of the Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Fellowship Program will discuss their thoughts on how the global pandemic may change the Japanese society from their various fields of study.
The life of Donald Keene and Ezra F. Vogel
Documentary films to look back on the achievements of Giants of Japanese Studies, Donald Keene & Ezra Vogel.

Japan’s Quiet Leadership – Reshaping The Indo-Pacific
In this talk at Columbia University, Dr. Mireya Solís (Director, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution), discussed her latest book, Japan’s Quiet Leadership: Reshaping the Indo-Pacific.
Book Talk: The End of August and Earlier Works
Yu Miri, a writer known for Tokyo Ueno Station and a winner of the National Book Award for Translated Literature, came to Princeton University on October 5, 2023, to talk about her newly translated book The End of August, as well as her earlier works with Princeton University’s scholars Atsuko Ueda and Ryo Morimoto.