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Japan’s Aging Society

Time & Location

August 26, 6am EDT (7pm JST)


The Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS) presents a weekly webinar series on Japanese culture and society, Getting to Know Japan Series.

Every year the elderly portion of Japan’s population grows, a shift that is widely discussed from a variety of angles. In this introductory webinar, Dr. Thomas Le will provide an overview of the impacts that Japan’s demographics currently has on its society and the potential consequences that may arise if this trend continues.

This event will be off-the-record. Questions are encouraged. It will not be recorded. The event is free, but registration is required.

Click here to register. Visit the YCAPS website to learn more.

The webinar series is supported through the CGP Salary Assistant Grant for U.S.-Japan Community Grassroots Exchange Program.


Dr. Tom Le is as an Associate Professor of Politics at Pomona College specializing in Japanese security policy, war memory and reconciliation, and militarism norms. Dr. Le is author of Japan’s Aging Peace: Pacifism and Militarism in the Twenty-First Century (Columbia University Press, June 2021).

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