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Atlanta, GA

Global Media Festival 2022, Cities of Peace Roundtable: From Atlanta to Hiroshima

Time & Location

March 16th, 5pm EDT
Georgia Tech, Price Gilbert Library Scholars Event Theater, Room 1280 (Atlanta, GA)
(Also presented online)



Presented by Georgia Tech’s School of Modern Languages, the sixth annual Global Media Festival explores United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #16, which promotes human rights and the development of societies that are peaceful, fair, and inclusive.

Cities of Peace Roundtable: From Atlanta to Hiroshima will be an in-person and online roundtable conversation with speakers from Hiroshima Peace Institute and the Carter Center. What does it mean to be a “city of peace,” and how is it different in Atlanta and Hiroshima? What is the importance of SDG #16: Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions? Moderated by Dr. Greg Zinman, School of Literature, Media, & Communication.

Visit the Global Media Festival website to learn more and to register click here.

This event is supported through the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership Salary Assistance Grant.

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