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Montgomery Dickson Memorial Project

Montgomery Dickson Memorial Project (Year 1)
UAA has created the Montgomery Dickson Center for Japanese Language and Culture (MDCJLC) in an effort to develop Japanese Language education at UAA and throughout Alaska, as well as to promote mutual understanding between the U.S. and Japan.  UAA will do this through the following projects:
1. Summer Institute: Post-Secondary Japanese Language Education with a Focus on 21st Century Skills (Summer 2012, 4 days)
A seminar-workshop for post-secondary full-time Japanese language instructors to discuss issues relating to student attainment of 21st Century skills.  Subtopics include AP Japanese Language and Culture, Thematic Approach, CBI, and Assessment and how they all relate to 21st Century Skills.

2. Cultural Event: Kimono Lecture and Demonstration (Fall 2012)
A cultural education event for UAA Japanese language students; students and teachers from the Anchorage School District; and Anchorage community members.   

3. Montgomery Dickson/Japan Foundation Scholarship (2012 – 2013 academic year)
To provide an opportunity for 5 UAA students to participate the UAA exchange program with Hokkaido University of Education.

4. Visit to Rikuzentakata (Summer 2012, 2 days)
On behalf of UAA, the Director of the MDCJLC, accompanied by Mr. Dickson’s sister, will visit Rikuzentakata and strengthen relationships with the board of education and the community in order to explore future possibilities of cultural exchanges between UAA, Anchorage and Rikuzentakata.

5. Professional Development (2012 – 2013 academic year)
Support for UAA Japanese language faculty members to participate in relevant professional development opportunities throughout the year.

In addition to the above endeavors, the Japan Foundation Japanese Language Institution, Kansai also started a 5-year project called JET-MIP which provides an opportunity for selected U.S. high school students to receive intensive Japanese language training and first-hand cultural experiences during the summer in Japan. Please see the details here.