Maiko Ichihara
Hitotsubashi University
“Comparative Study of Regional Institutions for Democratic Defense: Seeking Methods for Regional Collaboration in Asia”
Kaoru Iokibe
University of Tokyo
“Possible Revisions to the Status of Forces Agreement: From the Experience of the Meiji Treaty Revision”
Hiroyuki Iseki
University of Maryland, College Park
“A Comparative Study of Electric Vehicle Policies and Planning in Japan, the US, and the UK: Toward More Effective Adoption Strategies in Local and Regional Levels”
Marie Seong-Hak Kim
Saint Cloud State University
“History Is Not Destiny: Reframing Japan-South Korea Relations through the Rule of Law”
Aya Kimura
University of Hawaii
“Agrobiodiversity Protection and Landraces: Policies, Alternative Agrofood Networks, and Commodity Chains in Japan and the US”
Kaoru Kurusu
Kobe University
“Research on UN Member States’ Perceptions on Human Security in View of Exploring Possibility of Transnational Cooperation”
Sachiko Masuda
University of Tokyo
“Human Genetic Information for Medical Innovation: Examining Policy Issues Related to Domestic and Cross-border Sharing and Ensuring Control”
Atsushi Miyawaki
University of Tokyo
“Less Is More: Comparing Low-Value Care in Japan and the United States”
Cindi L SturtzSreetharan
Arizona State University
“Obesity Anxieties: Comparing the Lived Experience of Weight-related Policy for Japanese and US Men”
Zheng Wang
Seton Hall University
“The Rise of Populism and Nationalism and the Changing US-Japan-China Triangle Relationship”