Dorothea Abraham
College of William and Mary
“A Comparative Analysis of the 2017 Cybersecurity Strategies of Japan and the United States: Implications for Healthcare and Government”
Jason Danely
Oxford Brookes University
“Comparison of Older Ex-Offender Resettlement and Community-Based Organizations for Reducing Recidivism in Japan and the United Kingdom”
Elizabeth DeSombre
Wellesley College
“Comparative Influences on Port Sustainability”
Noriko Endo
Keio University
“Reconsidering the role of the national government in US-Japan Nuclear Liability”
Toshiaki Iizuka
The University of Tokyo
“The Value of Medical Care in the US and Japan”
Heather Montgomery
International Christian University
“Global Financial Stability in the wake of Banking Sector Consolidation: Evidence from Japan and the United States”
Sumie Nakaya
United Nations
“Ceasefire Planning in Multi-Layered Armed Conflicts: Towards a New Model of Violence Management among Heterogeneous Armed Groups”
Koki Oikawa
Waseda University
“Research on the Impact of Monetary Policy on Economic Growth through Reallocation among Heterogeneous Firms”
Albert Park
Claremont McKenna College
“Rural Ecology: Environmentalism, Building New Communities and Social Renewal in Korea and Japan”
Jolyon Thomas
University of Pennsylvania
“Religion, Morality, and Public School Education in Japan and the United States”