The History of Karate in Okinawa

Time and Location
September 4, 9pm ET (September 5, 10am JST)
Colonel Jason Perry is joining the Getting to Know Japan webinar series to speak on the History of Karate in Okinawa. His presentation will discuss Post-Meiji Okinawa and the emergence of modern and traditional Karate-do (空手道) in the early-and mid-20th century.
Questions are encouraged during the live event. Register here Meeting Registration – Zoom
Colonel Jason Perry is the President of the Okinawa Shorinryu Karate Kobudo Kensankai, a Non-Profit Organization that teaches Okinawa karate through member dojos and provides experiential and classroom education on the historical and cultural context of Okinawa Karate. He has a bachelor’s degree in Japanese from Brigham Young University and graduate degrees in International Relations and East Asian Security Studies from The Fletcher School (Tufts University) and Naval Postgraduate School respectively. He has studied Karate since childhood and is an 8th degree black belt in the Shorinryu tradition of Okinawa Karate. An active duty Marine, he has worked extensively in Japan, Okinawa and Washington D.C. in positions related to U.S. – Japan security policy and military relations.
This event will be recorded and archived on YCAPS’ YouTube channel.
For more information visit the GTKJ- Karate in Okinawa – YCAPS.
This event is supported through the Salary Assistance Grant for U.S.-Japan Community Grassroots Exchange Program – The Japan Foundation, New York (