The Camp David Summit and U.S.-Japan-South Korea Trilateral Security Relations

Time and Location
September 14, 6am ET (September 14, 7pm JST)
The Camp David Summit in mid-August was a historic moment in East Asian security. Just 4 years ago, Japan-South Korean relations were at its nadir as Seoul threatened to withdraw from GSOMIA, a military intelligence-sharing agreement with Tokyo as a culmination of longstanding historical disputes between the two neighbors. Given this trajectory, the Summit is undoubtedly significant but the question is why now? This presentation will explore this question while also touching upon its implications for East Asia security and Japan’s defense policy.
Questions are encouraged during the live event. Register here Meeting Registration – Zoom
Dr. Takuya Matsuda holds a Ph.D. from the War Studies Department at King’s College London. He is a Grand Strategy in Asia Research. Fellow at the Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies (YCAPS). He was also formerly a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellow at the Notre Dame International Security Center. His research focuses primarily on alliance politics, great power relations, international relations theory, and U.S. grand strategy. His work on international security affairs has been published both in scholarly and policy outlets such as the Australian Journal of International Affairs, The Washington Quarterly, War on the Rocks, Foreign Policy, and the Diplomat. Takuya received his MA from Johns Hopkin University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and BA from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan.
This event will be recorded and archived on YCAPS’ YouTube channel youtube.
For more information visit the GTKJ- Camp David Trilateral Security – YCAPS.
This event is supported through the Salary Assistance Grant for U.S.-Japan Community Grassroots Exchange Program – The Japan Foundation, New York (