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Online Panel Discussion: Undersea Cables and Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific

Time and Location

May 22, 8:00pm (EDT)
Online – YouTube


Submerged deep beneath the ocean, networks of undersea cables form the critical infrastructure that enables the communication and connectivity upon which societies are built. Over 95 percent of global Internet traffic relies on these cables, and they transmit approximately $10 trillion in financial transactions data throughout the global economy daily.

Why is undersea cable competition intensifying in the Indo-Pacific? How are threats to undersea cable networks evolving, and what are the implications for regional resilience and economic development? Why do perspectives differ across countries and across the public and private sectors, and how does this impact the prospects for future conflict and cooperation? Motohiro Tsuchiya (Keio University), Amanda H.A. Watson (Australian National University), and Kristi Govella (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) will address these questions and share findings from a recent project that was organized by the UH Mānoa Center for Indo-Pacific Affairs in partnership with Keio University and Khalifa University.

This event is supported through the JF Grants for Japan-U.S. Global Partnerships

To watch the webinar, please view the video below.

For more information, please visit: Undersea Cables and Geo-Politics in the Indo-Pacific

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