Men in Metal: Public Statuary in Modern Japan
Time and Location
Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 6:00am (EST)
Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 7:00pm (JST)
Dr. Sven Saaler examines Japanese public statuary as a central site of historical memory from its beginnings in the Meiji period through the twenty-first century. Saaler shows how the elites of the modern Japanese nation-state went about constructing an iconography of national heroes to serve their agenda of instilling national (and nationalist) thinking into the masses.
Register here: Meeting Registration – Zoom
Dr. Sven Saaler is Dean of the Graduate School of Global Studies (GSGS) and Professor of Modern Japanese History at Sophia University in Tokyo as well as a member of the Steering Committee of the National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU). After earning a Ph.D. in Japanese Studies and History from Bonn University, he held positions at Marburg University, the German Institute for Japanese Studies, and The University of Tokyo. He is author of Politics, Memory and Public Opinion (2005) and Men in Metal: A Topography of Public Bronze Statuary in Modern Japan (2020) as well as co-author/co-editor of Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History (2007), The Power of Memory in Modern Japan (2008), Pan-Asianism: A Documentary History (2011), Kiki no jidai to ‘chi’ no chōsen (2018), and the Routledge Handbook of Modern Japanese History (2018).
This event will be recorded and archived on YCAPS’ YouTube channel (Yokosuka Council on Asia-Pacific Studies – YouTube)
For more information, visit: Men in Metal, Know Japan – YCAPS (series webpage)
This event is supported through the Salary Assistance Grant for U.S.-Japan Community Grassroots Exchange Program.