San Marcos, TX
Kamishibai Storytelling

Time and Location
February 18, 6-7pm
Price Center (San Marcos, TX)
World Kamishibai Forum Live Events
In this first ever series of in-person kamishibai events in San Marcos, TX and San Diego, CA, the World Kamishibai Forum will celebrate the diversity of kamishibai performance styles from around the world. Librarians, teachers and storytellers will have the rare opportunity to learn from dynamic kamishibai artists, Araki Fumiko, and Mimoto Fumiyo from Japan and Pepe Cabana Kohachi from Peru.
The free events in San Marcos will introduce this unique form of Japanese picture-storytelling to all of the city schools and performances will also be held for the general public.
All events are free.
Please join us for this unique and exciting opportunity to learn about kamishibai in depth.
This event is supported through the Education Grant