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[Call For Applications] 2025 SSRC-JFNY Japan Global Workshop

Deadline: October 1, 2024 (Tuesday); 11:59PM (EDT)

The Japan Foundation New York (JFNY) and The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) invite applications to participate in the SSRC-JFNY Japan Global Workshop on the theme of Japan as a “country on the frontlines” or “harbinger state” and as a comparative or alternate lens/platformto be held in Claremont, California, February 19-22, 2025.

The workshop supports research explicitly focused on policy-relevant and contemporary issues with a comparative or transnational perspective that can benefit from inquiry into Japan. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own research in dialogue with that of their peer participants as well as to discuss theoretical and/or methodological approaches to the study of alternative economics. The workshop is open to applicants based in North America within ten years of their last degree, including Ph.D. candidates, who conduct active research (in academia or another sector) or reporting (on staff or freelance) in their careers.

The application deadline: October 1, 2024 (Tuesday); 11:59PM (Eastern Time) US.

Please see the program website for guidelines and information on how to apply: 2025 SSRC-JFNY Japan Global Workshop